Precision 10W High Voltage Modules
– Photomultiplier tubes, mass spectrometers, electron microscopes, nuclear instruments, surface science analysis equipment and microchannel plates
– High stability, low ripple
– Externally programmable or internal control (option)
– Short circuit and flashover proof
– Factory burn-in
– Low radiated magnetic field
– Positive, negative & remote reversible versions
– UL recognised
This range of precision high voltage modules has outputs that provide a low ripple, high stability source of high voltage for photomultiplier tubes, electron guns, nuclear and other applications. Control of the output voltage is by an internal potentiometer or by an external 10-volt analogue control voltage. The units are pin-compatible with the medium stability KS and 100-watt HW ranges.
All units are short circuit proof and use proven linear regulator techniques to drive a high-frequency FET oscillator and ferrite high voltage step-up transformer. The power supplies are constructed from conservatively rated components with the reliability further enhanced by information gained over many years of field operation.